Great Lakes Surf Towns
Great Lakes Surf Towns: the people have spoken. We’ve covered all five of the Great Lakes in our Sunday series and by popular vote, we've moved on to Surf Towns.
There are over 200 towns and major cities spotting the shores of the Great Lakes including Chicago, Milwaukee, Duluth, Cleveland, Sheboygan, Grand Haven, Toronto, and Detroit just to name a few. Some are city hubs, rustbelt towns and some are quaint fishing villages, but you can count on them to have a board or two sitting in a garage or gracing the waters when the swell is up.
The towns featured will be in no apparent order but our goal is to cover both the iconic towns and the underground ones. We will not be revealing specific spots in this series and will aim to respect the locals and their beloved surf spots.
Over the past decades, brave, cold men and women have cleared the brush and pioneered the sport and culture. We hope to honor them and continue that legacy by digging into the places where it happened and where it's still happening.